Daniel Carlton

DANIEL CARLTONAuthor www.danielcarlton.com Photo Download | Bio Download Daniel Carlton is an award-winning playwright, poet, director, educator, and actor who has appeared on New York, national, and international stages. His work has also been presented in schools, jails, homeless shelters, libraries, and every other imaginable performance space. He is the author of over a dozen…

Goldie Chan

GOLDIE CHANAuthor www.goldiechan.com Photo Download | Bio Download Goldie Chan is a global speaker, strategist, writer and advisor. She was referred to as the “Oprah of LinkedIn” by the Huffington Post and her video channel has won LinkedIn Top Voice. Goldie is the founder of Warm Robots, a social media strategy agency based in Los Angeles…

Sam Reece

SAM REECEAuthor www.SamReece.com www.shittycraft.club Photo Download | Bio Download Sam Reece is a comedian, writer, and creator of the viral TikTok account Shitty Craft Club. Her work has been featured in InStyle Magazine, Forbes Under 30, on TV shows like Comedy Central’s “The Other Two”, and in many national commercials. Alongside her writing partner Becky…

Mia Araujo

MIA ARAUJOAuthor/Illustrator art-by-mia.com Photo Download | Bio Download Mia Araujo is an Argentine American artist and writer, born and raised with her twin sister in Los Angeles, California. She co-hosts Painted in Color, a BIPOC art podcast on YouTube. Mia graduated as valedictorian from Otis College of Art and Design, with a BFA in Illustration…

Andrea Longton, CFA.

ANDREA LONGTON, CFA.Author thesocialjusticeinvestor.com Photo Download | Bio Download Andrea Longton, CFA is a mom with a day job. She is most proud of her family: three beautiful children, Cora, Lucy, and George – all born at Virginia Hospital Center in Arlington; husband, Kyle; and family dog, Fritzi. Andrea’s joy is found on sunny days…

Rose-Anne Clermont

ROSE-ANNE CLERMONTAuthor rose-anne.clermont.com Photo Download | Bio Download Rose-Anne Clermont, a New York-born child of Haitian immigrants, has been writing fiction since she was six years old. She studied fiction and dance at Sarah Lawrence College and later became interested in helping others tell their stories. She subsequently attended Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.…

Michelle Cronin

MICHELLE CRONINAuthor www.michellecronin.net Photo Download | Bio Download Michelle Cronin is a Native American author from the Onondaga Nation. She writes picture books, middle grade novels, and young adult fiction. Michelle was born and raised at Onondaga. She attended the Onondaga Nation School from grades K-5 and nearby La Fayette Junior/Senior High School for grades…

Jesse Byrd

JESSE BYRDAuthor jessebcreative.com Photo Download | Bio Download Jesse Byrd is an award-winning children’s book author and the youngest African American NPR Foundation Board Member. He started his professional journey as a Silicon Valley techie before pivoting to pursue his true passion of creating stories for audiences young and old. Jesse has been fortunate to…

Betsy Hodges

BETSY HODGESAuthor betsyhodges.com Photo Download | Bio Download Betsy Hodges was the 47th mayor of Minneapolis. Mayor Hodges currently serves as an advisor to cities and mayors to support progressive policy and improve equitable outcomes for Black, Indigenous, and people of color. She is a Senior Fellow with the Atlantic Fellowship for Racial Equity (AFRE)…

Madison Butler

MADISON BUTLERAuthor www.bluehairedunicorn.com Photo Download | Bio Download Madison Butler is a New Englander who is just looking to change the world one word at a time. Her work is focused on creating equitable spaces and scalable strategies to achieve psychological safety. She is an outspoken advocate for mental health, removing stigma around trauma, DEI…