Cindy Ng

CINDY NGAuthor Photo Download | Bio Download Cindy Ng, author of Girligami, brings a fresh, fun, and fashionable spin to the traditional art of origami. Born in Hong Kong and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, Cindy has designed a line of origami kits and jewelry that have been showcased in art museums worldwide,…

Christelyn Denise Karazin

CHRISTELYN DENISE KARAZINAuthor Photo Download | Bio Download Christelyn Denise Karazin is the co-author of the book Swirling: How to Date, Mate, and Relate Mixing Race, Culture, and Creed. She is the founder and organizer of No Wedding No Womb! NWNW is an online initiative to address and find solutions for the 72 percent…

Charreah Katie Jackson

CHARREAH KATIE JACKSONAuthor Photo Download | Bio Download As Essence magazine’s Relationships Editor, Charreah provides sex and love insight for over seven million readers. Charreah is a certified family life educator and has been a featured love expert on CNN’s Headline News, VH1, WEtv, YourTango and the Huffington Post. As a dating coach, she helps clients…

Brenda Lane Richardson

BRENDA LANE RICHARDSONAuthor Photo Download | Bio Download Brenda Richardson is an award-winning author of several published books—fiction and non-fiction. Her novel, Chesapeake Song (Amistad Press, 1993) garnered the 1993 Pen-Oakland Award and Richardson was named 1994 Author of the Year by Go On Girl!, a national African-American book club. The novel was a Literary Guild selection.…

Beth Thomas Cohen

BETH THOMAS COHENAuthor Photo Download | Bio Download Beth Thomas Cohen was born on September 23rd, 1975 at Georgetown University Hospital in Washington, DC. Her parents settled in Reston, Virginia as her father worked at the White House as Assistant Security of Health, Education & Welfare. When she was two years old, her parents…

Alicia Gaspar de Alba

ALICIA GASPAR DE ALBAAuthor Photo Download | Bio Download A native of the El Paso/Juárez border, Alicia Gaspar de Alba is a Chicana writer/scholar/activist who uses prose, poetry, and theory for social change. She is a Professor of Chicana/o Studies, English, and Women’s Studies at UCLA, where she also served as the Chair of the Cesar E. Chávez Department of…

Sam Weinberg

Biography Born and raised in Evanston, a Chicago suburb, Sam Weinberg is the son of a psychologist and former probation officer. He attended Glenbrook South High School in Glenview, Illinois before moving alone to the Middle East at the age of 17 to study peace-building diplomacy on the border of Israel-proper and the West Bank…

Travis Newsome

TRAVIS NEWSOMEAuthor Photo Download | Bio Download Travis Newsome, also known as the “Zen master” and the “Wizard of OZ,” is a three-time Dominoes World Champion and a professional domino consultant/player and coach who has taught some of the world’s best players. He was introduced to the game as a child growing up in…

Jack Jokinen

JACK JOKINENAuthor Photo Download | Bio Download Jack Jokinen is a technology professional, comedian, blogger, podcaster, and author, known for his appearances with Barstool Sports, Bronx Pinstripes, WFAN, Fox Sports and YES Network, as “JJ”. On December 13th, 2019 Jack and his wife had just welcomed their daughter a month earlier when he took his…

Kim Taylor

KIM TAYLORAuthor Photo Download | Bio Download Kim Taylor is a textile artist, Speech-Language Pathologist and administrator at a school for the Deaf. Her acclaimed story quilts have been on exhibit at an African American Museum on Long Island, a local Mayor’s office and many other venues. Her debut book, A Flag for Juneteenth,…