Kevin Kreider

KEVIN KREIDERAuthor Photo Download | Bio Download Kevin Kreider left Philly in 2008 to navigate his way in entertainment as a Korean American adoptee. His career started in the fitness industry, when he signed with one of the most prestigious modeling agencies in NYC. In 2014, Kevin was diagnosed with Alopecia Areata. He took a…

Tamala Edwards

TAMALA EDWARDSAuthor Photo Download | Bio Download Tamala Edwards is a Philadelphia-based, award-winning news anchor. She joined 6abc in January of 2005 and is currently the weekday co-anchor of Action News Mornings and a regular co-host of Inside Story, conducting probing interviews with newsmakers like Governor Tom Corbett, Senator Bob Casey, Mayor Michael Nutter and…

Brad Walrond

BRAD WALRONDAuthor Photo Download | Bio Download Brad’s poetics, performance, and multi-disciplinary work interpolate between virtual reality, identity formation, and human consciousness at the intersection of race, gender, sex, and desire.  By amplifying and interrogating the great power and contractions inherent to identity, Brad aims with his work to provoke futurist explorations of how we…

Jenna Baner

JENNA BANERAuthor Photo Download | Bio Download Jenna Baner’s just thrilled to be here. A literary enthusiast for as long as she’s been able to read and write, she began working at her local library as a teenager, and has spent the following years continuing to build skills in copyediting, proofreading, and fiction story development.…

Lucas Congdon

LUCAS CONGDONAuthor Photo Download | Bio Download Lucas Congdon is the owner of Lucas Lagoons and the host of Animal Planet’s “Insane Pools: Off the Deep End.” Born into a family of Vermont landscapers and stonemasons, Lucas has been cutting and crafting stone since the age of 14, when his creative talents and love…

Kevin Bowder

KEVIN BOWDERAuthor Photo Download | Bio Download Kevin Bowder is a professional photographer who has 15 years of experience in sales and marketing. Kevin began his career working for nonprofits where he conceptualized, organized, facilitated, and promoted events of all sizes. He innately understands that being able to connect with people is at the…

L.C. Perry

L.C. PERRYAuthor Photo Download | Bio Download L.C. Perry is an author of New Adult and Young Adult novels. Ever since the seventh grade when she discovered her passion for writing and started her first novel, her life has revolved around books. When she isn’t reading or writing, she is listening to music, watching…

Kirsten Lopresti

KIRSTEN LOPRESTIAuthor Photo Download | Bio Download Kirsten Lopresti is the author of the young adult novel Bright Coin Moon. She holds a BA from Virginia Tech and an MFA from George Mason University. She has published short stories in several literary magazines, including The Laurel Review, New Delta Review, So To Speak, Italian…

George James, Psy.D.

GEORGE JAMES, PSY.D.Author Photo Download | Bio Download Dr. George James, Psy.D. (13 time TODAY Show guest) speaks, counsels, consults, coaches, and teaches people how to overcome everyday relational struggles to build successful connections in love, family, and career. He is a licensed marriage and family therapist who specializes in helping couples improve the quality…

Sandra Jackson-Opoku

SANDRA JACKSON-OPOKUAuthor Photo Download | Bio Download Sandra Jackson-Opoku is the author of the award-winning novel The River Where Blood Is Born, which was listed in Best Novels of the Nineties: A Reader’s Guide. Her novel Hot Johnny (and the Women Who Loved Him) was an Essence Magazine hardcover fiction bestseller. Her fiction, poetry,…