Dick Gregory

DICK GREGORYAuthor https://dickgregory.com Photo Download | Bio Download Gregory, Richard Claxton “Dick” (Born, October 12, 1932, St. Louis, Mo.), African American comedian and civil rights activist whose social satire changed the way white Americans perceived African American comedians since he first performed in public. Dick Gregory entered the national comedy scene in 1961 when Chicago’s…

Marva Allen

MARVA ALLENAuthor Photo Download | Bio Download Marva Allen was president and a co-owner of USI, a multi-million dollar technology firm in Southfield, MI that was thrice nominated for the Ernst & Young Entrepreneurship Award. Allen is the recipient of numerous business awards, including The IBM & Kodak Excellence Award, MMBDC Diamond Award, Crain’s Business…

Philip Ejike

PHILIP EJIKEAuthor www.philipejike.com Photo Download | Bio Download Raised in Palmyra, Pennsylvania, Philip Ejike obtained his BA in Design from Lehigh University in 2007, and his MFA in Design and Technology from Parsons the New School for Design in 2009. He has received a Gold Key in Fiction in the 1999 Harrisburg, PA Patriot-News Scholastic…

Shawn Martinbrough

SHAWN MARTINBROUGHIllustrator, Author www.shawnmartinbrough.com Photo Download | Bio Download Shawn Martinbrough is an Eisner Award-nominated artist whose comic book projects have include Batman: Detective Comics, DMZ, Luke Cage Noir, The Black Panther: Man Without Fear and Hellboy. He is the author of How to Draw Noir Comics: The Art and Technique of Visual Storytelling, published…

Khnum “Stic” Ibomu

KHNUM “STIC“ IBOMUAuthor www.sticcreative.com Photo Download | Bio Download Khnum “Stic” Ibomu is one half of the duo that comprises Dead Prez, a hip hop group that is synonymous with raising awareness for social justice, unity and Pan-Africanism. Stic is widely considered to be one of the realest and most respected voices in hip hop,…

Tricia Elam Walker

TRICIA ELAM WALKERAuthor www.triciaelamwalker.com Photo Download | Bio Download Tricia Elam Walker, is an award-winning author, attorney and educator.  Her first novel, Breathing Room, was published, after an auction for the rights, by Simon & Schuster/PocketBooks in 2001.  It was also published in Italy by Neri Pozza Editore and was nominated for a Hurston/Wright Legacy…

Denise Adusei

DENISE ADUSEIAuthor https://deniseadusei.com Photo Download | Bio Download Denise Rosario Adusei’s life mission is to inspire young children’s imagination and creativity. When she graduated from Columbia Business School, she utilized her MBA to develop a preschool and became a professional imagineer for children in Harlem. “My goal,” Denise says, “is to provide a playful environment…

Ava and Alexis McClure

AVA and ALEXIS MCCLUREAuthor www.themcclurefam.com Photo Download | Bio Download Named Forbes Magazine’s Youngest Top Influential Kids of 2017, Ava and Alexis McClure, 7, have taken the industry by storm. The YouTube stars captivated the hearts of millions when their parents, Justin and Ami McClure, captured Alexis being devastated to learn she was one minute younger…

Aaron W. Smith

AARON W. SMITHAuthor www.awsmithfinancial.com Photo Download | Bio Download Aaron W. Smith is founder of A. W. Smith Financial Group, and is a certified personal financial advisor in six states. Smith is a popular seminar leader and successful financial expert who has generated millions of dollars in revenue.  He holds several securities and insurance licenses,…