Barbara Biziou

BARBARA BIZIOUAuthor Photo Download | Bio Download Barbara Biziou, author of The Joy of Ritual and The Joy of Family Rituals, has devoted her career to inspiring, empowering, and supporting people through life’s transitions and challenges. As an agent of change and transformation, Biziou’s abiding passion has been to adapt ancient rituals to current…

Bill Lester

BILL LESTERAuthor Photo Download | Bio Download Bill Lester III was born on February 6, 1961 in Washington D.C. to William Alexander Lester, Jr., an electrical engineering professor and researcher at IBM Corporation, and Rochelle Lester, a social worker and elementary school teacher. Lester graduated from Skyline High School in Oakland, California in 1979…

Calaya Michelle Stallworth, Ph.D.

CALAYA MICHELLE STALLWORTH, PH.D.Author Photo Download | Bio Download Since 2007, Calaya Michelle Stallworth has published eleven contemporary African American novels under the pen name Grace Octavia with Kensington and Harlequin Books. Her witty, insightful stories filled with wicked humor and spunk have been loved by readers and critics alike. Calaya’s work in the publishing…

Carol Antoinette Peacock, Ph.D.

CAROL ANTOINETTE PEACOCK, PH.D.Author Photo Download | Bio Download Dr. Carol Antoinette Peacock is a practicing psychologist and author. She earned a BA at Cornell University, a Masters of Social Work from Columbia University, and a Ph.D. in Psychology at Boston College.  Her first book, Hand Me Down Dreams (Schocken, 1981), was praised in…

Claire Nicogossian, Psy.D.

CLAIRE NICOGOSSIAN, PSY.D.Author Photo Download | Bio Download Dr. Claire is a licensed clinical psychologist with over twenty years of experience as a therapist. She is passionate about well-being and self-care for mothers and writes on these topics at,,, HuffingtonPost, Scary Mommy, Dr. Oz,, and the Today Show Community…

Danielle Soucy Mills

DANIELLE SOUCY MILLSAuthor Photo Download | Bio Download Danielle Soucy Mills grew up in Massachusetts in a small city by the sea. Ever since she was little, she loved to write story after story, and she also enjoyed flipping across the furniture in her home. It’s no wonder that she went on to study…

Doreen Spicer-Dannelly

DOREEN SPICER-DANNELLYAuthor Photo Download | Bio Download Writer and producer Doreen Spicer is a native New Yorker of African American and Puerto Rican descent who set sights on Hollywood to offer her multi-cultural perspective to the entertainment business and has found success. Spicer created and independently produced the international hit tween sitcom, The Wannabes…

Ed Gordon

ED GORDONAuthor Photo Download | Bio Download Hard-hitting, inspiring, intelligent, honest, and direct—these are some of the words used to describe the style and approach of Emmy Award-winning broadcaster Ed Gordon. Known for his stellar interactions with newsmakers from the worlds of politics, entertainment, and sports, the veteran journalist is the president of Ed Gordon…

Hannah Papp

HANNAH PAPPAuthor Photo Download | Bio Download Writer Hannah Papp has truly lived by the premise that life is research for your novel. Seeking her own moveable feast, she worked diligently from an early age and had experienced 34 different types of jobs by the time she was 28. Her first published work was…

Karen Lascaris

KAREN LASCARISAuthor Photo Download | Bio Download Artist and designer Karen Lascaris is the author of In Our Own Image: Treasured African American Traditions, Journeys, and Icons, published in 2001 by Running Press of Philadelphia. She began her career designing and illustrating clothing, footwear, and accessories on the Polo Ralph Lauren Women’s Design Team, eventually…