The Favorite Child

By Ellen Weber Libby, Ph.D For more than thirty years, veteran clinical psychologist Ellen Weber Libby has been helping successful, often-powerful clients in Washington, DC– a place known for its outsized personalities– deal with their personal problems. One pattern that has emerged out of some 60,000 hours of therapy is what she calls the “favorite…

Seductive Delusions

By Jill Grimes, M.D. Sexually active young people urgently need this book. “It can’t happen to me.” Many high school students and young adults, seduced by their sense of invincibility, are stunned when they are diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection (STI). But the fact is that anyone can catch an STI: no age group,…

Ralph Ellison: Emergence of Genius

By Lawrence Jackson Author, intellectual, and social critic, Ralph Ellison (1914-94) was a pivotal figure in American literature and history and arguably the father of African American modernism. Universally acclaimed for his first novel, Invisible Man, a masterpiece of modern fiction, Ellison was recognized with a stunning succession of honors, including the 1953 National Book Award.…


By Annika de Groot Macramé has reemerged with a gorgeous new twist! Evocative of the Victorian-era macramé lace that decorated fashionable women’s shawls and purses this accessible new book updates the art of macramé lace with a range of stunning beaded jewelry designs. Beautiful and infinitely versatile, Micro-Macramé shows jewelry makers how to capture the allure…

Behind the Kitchen Door

By Saru Jayaraman How do restaurant workers live on some of the lowest wages in America? And how do poor working conditions—discriminatory labor practices, exploitation, and unsanitary kitchens—affect the meals that arrive at our restaurant tables? Saru Jayaraman, who launched the national restaurant workers’ organization Restaurant Opportunities Centers United, sets out to answer these questions…

Avoiding Opioid Use While Managing Pain

By Lynn R. Webster and Beth Dove Prescription opioids are dangerous in the hands of drug abusers, but they are also beneficial or even lifesaving for millions of people who otherwise would live with chronic pain. Clinicians who prescribe opioids are often caught between their professional obligation to relieve suffering and their desire to avoid…

Autism and Asperger Syndrome

By Ana Maria Rodriguez Six out of 1,000 children worldwide are currently affected by autism spectrum disorder, including autism and Asperger Syndrome. These disorders disturb the development of the mind. They cause a wide variety of communication problems, social difficulties, and repetitive or obsessive behaviors. At one end of the spectrum, severe autism can leave…

A Purse of Your Own

By Deborah Owens with Brenda Lane Richardson In A Purse of Your Own, wealth coach Deborah Owens draws from more than twenty years of experience in the financial services industry for a revolutionary and simple approach to investment literacy: Women can take control of their lives and purses by leveraging the feminine powers of intuition, creativity, and…

In the Black

By Aaron W. Smith with Brenda Lane Richardson With economic uncertainty reaching unprecedented levels, Aaron W. Smith’s accessible nine-step plan to take control of your financial future will resonate whether you’re just starting out or finding yourself midlife with concerns about your retirement. In The Black will transform your retirement plans, regardless of income, by offering concrete advice…

Ostrich and Lark

Written by Marilyn Nelson Illustrated by San artists of the Kuru Art Project of Botswana Ostrich and Lark spend their days on the grasslands of southern Africa surrounded by a chorus of birdsong. From his perch in a tree Lark joins the chorus, while below Ostrich is silent. Then comes the joyful day when Ostrich…